Politics: Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton for US presidency - iReporters News Network | No #1 News Network in the world.

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Politics: Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton for US presidency

Politics: Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton for US presidency

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US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton greets members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars after speaking at their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, on July 25, 2016. [Chris Keane/Reuters]
US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton greets members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars after speaking at their convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, on July 25, 2016. [Chris Keane/Reuters]

Hillary Clinton received the nomination to become the first woman to lead a major party towards the White House

The Democratic Party has made history by nominating Hillary Clinton to run for US president as the first woman to head a major party's presidential ticket.

Delegates erupted in cheers throughout the roll call of states on the floor of the Democratic convention on Tuesday night.

"She’s got it. She has the numbers that are needed," Al Jazeera's James Bays said from the convention after Clinton passed the 2,383 votes needed to secure the nomination.

"We knew this was going to happen because obviously we knew she was the presumptive nominee and that she had all the votes that she needed from the primaries. But what happened here was a roll call, state by state announcing their votes. How many for Bernie Sanders. How many for Hillary Clinton. And a great deal of drama in the room," Bays said.

In nominating Clinton, delegate after delegate at the convention made the point that the selection of a woman was a milestone in America's 240-year-old history. US women got the right to vote in 1920.

Clinton promises to tackle income inequality and rein in Wall Street if she becomes president, and is eager to portray Republican Party presidential nominee Donald Trump, a billionaire businessman and former reality TV show host, as too unstable to sit in the Oval Office.

Trump, who has never held elective office, got a boost in opinion polls from his nomination at the Republican convention last week and had a 2-point lead over Clinton in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.

After the roll call of states formalising Clinton's nomination, former President Bill Clinton took the stage for a history-making appearance of his own at the Democratic National Convention. Former presidents often vouch for their potential successors, but never before has that candidate also been a spouse.

Telling the story of their life together, the former president summed up his wife: "She's the best darn change maker I've ever met."

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Source: Aljazeera

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