True Life Story: How God saved me from death in 2017 - iReporters News Network | No #1 News Network in the world.

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True Life Story: How God saved me from death in 2017

True Life Story: How God saved me from death in 2017

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Its over 5years ago precisely 2nd May, 2012, but I remember it like yesterday. My husband was in Jos writing his Masters Examination.

I gave a testimony in church that day, thanking God for His faithfulness in my life and that of my family, on getting home I made a nice meal which myself and my 1year old Vanessa ate and went to bed since there was no light. That is where it all began.

I woke up suddenly (It could only have been the Holy Spirit who did that) at about 11:45pm and behold from my bedroom I could see a thick flame of fire in my sitting room(caused by a power surge), on coming out I realised my double decked fridge beside the entrance door was on fire, I decided to go and open the exit door before going back to pick my baby, I tried my best but the door will not open so I rushed back to my bedroom, opened the window and began to scream, immediately neighbors came around broke the window collected my baby and helped me out, all I could carry was a wrapper (as I was wearing only an armless nighty) and my phone.

It was when my neighbor held my hand trying to help me and my skin slipped into her hands that I realised I got burnt. The 5 minutes I spent in the sitting room trying to open the exit door got me burnt, and that's because the room had been heated up that much by the fire, ( yes I mean the heat of the room got me burnt cos the fire did not touch me at all).

I did not realise the extent of the burns until I got to the emergency ward in the hospital and the entire skin on my face, chest, hands and back were peeled off like potatoes. It was heart breaking but I bless God for the grace He made sufficient for me.

I called my husband and told him we had an accident but am fine he should face his exams (where I got the courage to tell him that could have only been from God, as I never experienced a strong faith in my life as I did on that day and that period). He could not, so he had to come back to Kaduna immediately, am glad he accepted to go back and write his exams (even after seeing me in that condition) as I was not ready to allow the devil to give me 2-0.

My 3weeks hospitalization was the longest 3 weeks in my life but his grace kept me, and am glad I can finally come out to tell The story

But come to think of it, if it was only the heat of the fire that got me this burnt not the fire itself, and it was just a 5 minutes experience, then I can't imagine how the heat in hell fire will be, this will not be for just 5minutes, its going to be forever and ever, the fire cannot be quenched, the heat will keep getting hotter, those in it cannot die. Oh noo! This is not something to experience at all, and that's why He came.

Oh yes I mean JESUS. The pain I went through for those 3weeks cannot be compared to the pain, shame, humiliation, insults He had to take for you and me, He was despised, rejected, just to carry our weakness, He was unjustly condemned for our rebellion, crushed for our sins, He was beaten so we could be whole, whipped so we could be healed, He was oppressed and treated harshly yet He never said a word, He had done no wrong yet He was buried like a criminal, but it was the will of the Lord to bruise Him and cause Him grief all Because He Loves You and I.
He made you come into 2018 so you have yet another opportunity to let Him lead your life and be the Captain of your ship, so why not give Him all the Space in your heart today and watch Him guide your part aright, don't allow yourself to be caught up in that eternal fire,it will be disastrous.
Its not about me and my story its about JESUS and His love for you


Happy New year.
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